Tatiana Oliva Morales is the author of methods and manuals of the series © Linguistic Reanimator, for accelerated preparation for exams at school and a linguistic university; of the series © Comparative typology of English and Spanish; of the series © Comprehensive early development of children from 3 years. The author of more than 300 books and study guides in Russian, English and Spanish; English and Spanish teacher with over 25 years of experience; poet and writer.
The price of the electronic publication is 60 rubles.
The price of a printed black-and-white edition of the A4 format with a color cover (soft cover) is 418 rubles.
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A few years ago I watched the performance of Mikhail Zadornov with his monologue «It was getting dark», which I really liked and could not get it out of my mind. Then I decided that I would definitely write something on the same wavelength. But a suitable life situation did not come. And this New Year, at the festive table, one of the guests told a very funny and cautionary tale. It became the plot of this book.
Tatiana Oliva Morales
Шрифты предоставлены компанией «ПараТайп»
Иллюстратор Tatiana Oliva Morales
Дизайнер обложки Tatiana Oliva Morales
© Tatiana Oliva Morales, 2020
© Tatiana Oliva Morales, иллюстрации, 2020
© Tatiana Oliva Morales, дизайн обложки, 2020
A few years ago I watched the performance of Mikhail Zadornov with his monologue «It was getting dark», which I really liked and could not get it out of my mind. Then I decided that I would definitely write something on the same wavelength. But a suitable life situation did not come. And this New Year, at the festive table, one of the guests told a very funny and cautionary tale. It became the plot of this book.
Создано в интеллектуальной издательской системе Ridero
It was getting dark
It was getting dark
It got dark
It was getting light
A few years ago I watched the performance of Mikhail Zadornov with his monologue «It was getting dark», which I really liked and could not get it out of my mind. Then I decided that I would definitely write something on the same wavelength. But a suitable life situation did not come. And this New Year, at the festive table, one of the guests told a very funny and cautionary tale. It became the plot of this book.
It was getting dark. Yegorych was in high spirits — today at exactly 19 00 he was going to watch the next football match on the brand-new TV set, which he had just bought at a local rural store.
To reach total pleasure from the upcoming process, he had previously prepared cold beer and dried fish.
And at that hour, he turned on the TV, positively appreciating stereo sound effects and the brightness of the displayed picture, sipped some cold foaming drink out of his favorite mug and delved into the visualization.
But at the most intense moment of the game on TV, something suddenly went wrong, and in a moment the screen turned completely black.